World popular some speech of poet Humayun Ahmed

Humayun Ahmed (21) Man is a very independent animal but for strange reasons he loves to be on the leash. (22) There is nothing more than joy to live. What a won‐ derful scene all around. With the mind we never see it. When the time is up, the heart is just full of laughter. (23) The lie is the devil's marriage mantra. Falsehood is the marriage of the devil. Getting married means having children. This is why many more lies are made after one lie. The next lies are the children of the devil. (24) It is best not to marry a man of love. If there is a marriage, then there is no love. Love between people and love is probably more dear. (25) Nobody can be like anyone. Everyone is like his own. You can't be like your uncle or father, even with a thousand attempts. All people are different. (26) People are easily recognized by laughter. All people cry at the same posture but when laughing, one laughs differently. (27) The big...